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Companies & organizations subject to the Pay Equity Act

  • Private and public companies.
  • Public institutions.
  • Non-profit organizations.
  • Unionized, non-unionized, combination of unionized and non-unionized.
  • Companies, institutions, and organizations that are behind schedule.
  • Companies, institutions, and organizations being audited by the CNESST.
  • Provincially regulated companies.
  • Federally regulated companies.

Examples of Organizations that use our Services

Accounting offices Lawyer offices
Agricultural production Livestock production
Air conditioning and heating companies Manufacturers
Analytical laboratories Massage therapy centers
Architect firms Medical clinics
Auto parts suppliers Municipalities
Biotechnology companies Nightclubs
Building contractors Non-profit organization (NPO)
Building materials manufacturers Notary offices
Car dealerships Occupational therapist
Charitable organizations Optometry clinics
Coffee House Pharmaceutical Companies
Communication and marketing agencies Pharmacies
Consulting firms Physiotherapy clinics
Cosmetics and personal care Printing houses
Daycares and CPEs Raw material suppliers
Dental clinics Recruitment agencies
Electrical and electronic industries Recycling centers
Electricians, plumbers, cabinet makers Refrigeration companies
Engineering firms Religious organizations
Environment management Research centers
Excavation companies Residences for the elderly
Fashion and design industry Restaurants
Financial services firms Retail business
Food processing companies Shelters and temporary housing
General mechanical companies Telecom companies
Grocery stores and supermarkets Transport and logistics companies
Hospitality, tourism and travel industry Various associations
Insurance companies Veterinarians clinics
IT companies Wholesalers and distributors

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Profile of our Customers across Canada

  • Private and public companies.
  • Public institutions.
  • Non-profit organizations.
  • Unionized, non-unionized, combination of unionized and non-unionized.
  • Companies, institutions, and organizations that are behind schedule.
  • Companies, institutions, and organizations being audited by the CNESST.
  • Provincially regulated companies.
  • Federally regulated companies.

Examples of Organizations that use our Services

Accounting offices
Agricultural production
Air conditioning and heating companies
Analytical laboratories
Architect firms
Auto parts suppliers
Biotechnology companies
Building contractors
Building materials manufacturers
Car dealerships
Charitable organizations
Coffee House
Communication and marketing agencies
Consulting firms
Cosmetics and personal care
Daycares and CPEs
Dental clinics
Electrical and electronic industries
Electricians, plumbers, cabinet makers
Engineering firms
Environment management
Excavation companies
Fashion and design industry
Financial services firms
Food processing companies
General mechanical companies
Grocery stores and supermarkets
Hospitality, tourism and travel industry
Insurance companies
IT companies
lawyer offices
Livestock production
Massage therapy centers
Medical clinics
Non-profit organization (NPO)
Notary offices
Occupational therapist
Optometry clinics
Pharmaceutical Companies
Physiotherapy clinics
Printing houses
Raw material suppliers
Recruitment agencies
Recycling centers
Refrigeration companies
Religious organizations
Research centers
Residences for the elderly
Retail business
Shelters and temporary housing
Telecom companies
Transport and logistics companies
Various associations
Veterinarians clinics
Wholesalers and distributors

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